Update Rivals credit card info
Don't let an expired credit card cause your Rivals subscription to lapse. Check out how to update your payment method and keep your subscription going all year long.
Don't let an expired credit card cause your Rivals subscription to lapse. Check out how to update your payment method and keep your subscription going all year long.
Get access to the best college and high school sports info though the Rivals network. Check out available subscription options, how to cancel, the refund policy, and how to delete your account.
Learn how to find a Billing Agreement Number in your PayPal account.
Pending or authorization charges are often due to adding a card or charges being declined. Find out what these temporary charges mean and when they’ll fall off your account.
Find out what can cause an invalid card error when you're about to make a purchase, and what you can do about it.
Learn how you'll receive confirmation that you canceled a service.
Have you realized your yearly Rivals subscription is more than what you need? Check out how to contact Customer Care to downgrade your Rivals account.
Find out why is it required to have updated details for your credit card.
Give the gift of Rivals! Your one time payment provides your recipient access to Rivals for the number of months you select. Learn how to send, accept, or get a refund for a gift subscription.
Canceling and refunding a charge and resubmitting it to a different credit card isn't possible.