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Emails are not received in Yahoo Mail

Not getting the emails you expect is frustrating, especially when you are waiting for an important email. Use the steps below to quickly identify the reason behind this and if there's an issue with your account or the sender's account that's preventing the messages from arriving.

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Check your account settings

These settings can prevent email from getting to your Inbox:

Check if your account has any errors

Sign in to your Yahoo Mail account on a computer and send yourself an email.

  • If you don't get an error - Your account is working as expected.
  • If you don't receive the email - Check some info on failed delivery messages.
  • If you get an error message - The instructions to fix the error should be included with the message.

Have the sender check their account

If you didn't find anything wrong with your account, then the issue is on the sender's side.

  • Make sure they entered your full email address correctly.
  • Suggest they contact their email provider for further assistance.

Not receiving password recovery emails?

When you try to use an inactive or recycled Yahoo account you might have issues getting password reset emails. This is because the Yahoo mailbox may be inactive or recycled. To prevent identity theft, Yahoo may not allow recovery emails to be sent to recycled email addresses. The sender of the password reset email (like Instagram or Facebook) will get a delivery failure and stop sending emails to your address.

If this happens, you'll need to first sign into your Yahoo email account, so you may receive emails again.