Fix problems with Yahoo Games

Are you having trouble signing into Yahoo Games, loading or playing a game, or locating a game? Here are answers and fixes to common questions and issues that may help you get back to playing.

I can't sign into Yahoo Games

Did you forget your username or password? Read these articles for help with getting back into your Yahoo account:

Games are slow or not loading

If you're having trouble loading or playing a game, try these to fix the issue:

I don't hear game sounds

If you're having problems hearing audio for a game, here are a couple of things to try:

  • Check your computer or mobile device's volume setting to make sure it isn't muted or at a low volume.
  • Check the audio settings in the game. When game sounds are muted, the audio button looks like this: Image of the audio icon. Click the audio button to unmute the game.

A game I played on my computer isn't available on my mobile device

While many games can be played on both desktop and mobile devices, some games may only be available for one platform and not the other. Check the "Game details" section located below the game on a device you're able to access the game with for more information.