Make informed investment decisions with in-depth research reports

Upgrade your Yahoo Finance experience with select subscription plans and access detailed 3rd-party analysis for a wide range of investments from our partners Morningstar, Argus and Vickers. Get independent assessments on hundreds of stocks, market and economic commentary, and more. Research reports are released regularly and can be filtered by date range, frequency, report type and sector.

  1. Go to Yahoo Finance.
  2. Enter a company name or ticker symbol in the "Search" bar.
  3. Select a quote from the search list.
  4. Click the Research Reports tab to find Research Reports.

Report types

  • Quantitative Report - Based on an algorithm designed to capture and analyze financial trends for each company under coverage. Companies are measured against their historical record, peer group, and the broad market. Report frequency is constant. "Constant" means the report is available constantly, though the information within the report is updated as applicable.
  • Analyst Report - Professional research by an equity analyst that provides a recommendation on whether investors should buy, hold, or sell shares. Additionally, it provides an overview of the business, sector, management team, financial performance, risks, and target price. Report frequency is constant.
  • Portfolio Ideas - Features a group of 30 "best idea" stocks generated and regularly updated by Argus Research's analysts and investment policy committee. It also includes the director of research’s monthly investment strategy column, stock recommendations and sector picks, economic forecasts, and an asset allocation model. Report frequency is monthly.
  • Sector Watch - Analyzes overall performance of stocks by sector and identifies risks and opportunities for these sectors. Report frequency is monthly.
  • Thematic Portfolio - Recommends a group of companies that fall within a particular theme. Themes vary by month and may include top picks, mid-cap picks, defensive picks, etc. Report frequency is monthly.
  • Technical Analysis - Identifies short-term momentum reading for stocks, including movement against the moving average. Assesses technical market indicators and risk factors. Report frequency is daily.
  • Market Outlook - Provides a market summary at the beginning of each trading day. Report frequency is daily.
  • Market Update - Provides a spotlight on a stock(s) of the day. Report frequency is daily.
  • Market Summary - Presents a market review at the close of business each trading day. Report frequency is daily.
  • Stock Picks - Identifies the top five BUY-rated momentum stocks for the trailing one-week, three-month and one-year periods. Report frequency is weekly.
  • Insider Activity - Utilizes Vickers’ proprietary algorithm to identify 25 companies with compelling insider purchase histories based on transactions over the past three months. Report frequency is daily.
  • Top/Bottom Insider Activity - Identifies the five companies with the largest insider purchase transactions based on the dollar value of the transactions. Report frequency is daily.