Track cash or private equities in portfolio lists
Keep track of cash or private equity holdings along with stocks, bonds and other investments by adding them to portfolio lists in Yahoo Finance. Add the symbol $$CASH or use custom symbols like $$DEBT, $$EQUITY, or $$EARNINGS to fit your needs. Begin your custom symbol with $$, followed by alphanumeric characters. Just make sure you don't use special characters like &, %, and @.
Add cash or private equity holdings from a desktop browser
- Sign in to Yahoo Finance.
- Click My Portfolio.
- Select the list you want to edit.
- Click My Holdings.
- Click Add Symbol.
- Enter $$CASH (or a custom symbol) in the "Find a Quote" field.
- Press Enter and the symbol will be added to your list.
- To the right of your new symbol, click Add a transaction.
- Fill in the requested info.
- Click Save transaction.
Add cash or private equity holdings from a mobile browser
- Sign in to Yahoo Finance.
- Tap the Menu icon .
- Tap My Portfolio.
- Select the list you want to edit.
- Tap My Holdings.
- Tap the More icon .
- Select Add Symbol.
- Enter $$CASH (or a custom symbol) in the "Search stocks" field.
- Tap Enter.
- To the right of your new symbol, tap the Expand icon .
- Tap Add transaction.
- Fill in the requested info.
- Tap Save transaction.