Why is Yahoo Link Preview reading my site?

Are you a webmaster looking for info about the “Yahoo Link Preview” user-agent? We’ve got you covered.

What is Yahoo Link Preview?

Yahoo Link Preview is a page-fetch client that provides thumbnail images, page titles and descriptions for Yahoo Mail users who reference pages from your website.

Good Web content gets viewed! Link Preview gives Yahoo users an engaging experience and can drive more traffic to interesting Web content.

How are these thumbnail images used, exactly?

When a Yahoo Mail user mentions the URL of a page on your site in a Yahoo Mail email message, a thumbnail image of that page--along with page title and description--is included in the message.

Yahoo Link Preview is not a crawler: The Preview client only fetches pages that Yahoo users link to.

How does Yahoo Link Preview identify itself?

Web site access for Link Preview is identified by the "Preview" User-agent. The full user-agent value you will see in your access logs is:

Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo Link Preview; https://help.yahoo.com/kb/mail/yahoo-link-preview-SLN23615.html)