Post or delete reactions on Frontier Yahoo

If you're looking for a place to speak your mind about the world's latest hot topics, Frontier Yahoo gives you a platform to do so. Let your voice be heard by posting reactions or comments on Frontier Yahoo news articles, stories, videos, and blogs.

Post a reaction

Before you post - Make sure you know our guidelines for posting reactions.

  1. Sign in to your Frontier Yahoo account.
  2. Go to any Frontier Yahoo news article, story, video, or blog.
  3. Locate View reactions for the news article, story, video, or blog.
  4. Enter your reaction in the field next to your profile image and click Post.

Delete a reaction

  1. Sign in to your Frontier Yahoo account.
  2. Go to any Frontier Yahoo news article, story, video, or blog.
  3. Locate View reactions for the news article, story, video, or blog.
  4. Click on your profile image, labeled See my reaction history.
  5. Click the More Options icon Image of the More icon. | click Delete your post.

  Want to edit a reaction? Reactions can be deleted, but not edited.