About Resizable Contests and Leagues in Yahoo Daily Fantasy

The creator of a private contest or private league will have the option to allow the prize structure to be resized prior to the start of the contest or league (see Resizable Contest Rules or Resizable League Rules which lists out all the possible pre-determined contest and league payout structures), so that the contest or league will not be canceled if it does not fill. If a contest or league is resized, it will have a similar payout structure to what was initially selected when it was created. If that prize structure is unavailable based on the number of contests or league entries, the prize structure will be updated. Contests and leagues will resize at the time they go live.

For example: If a 10-person Top 1/3 contest only receives 5 entries, the resized contest will pay out the top 2 entries evenly.

If a $20, 10-team 94 round league only receives 8 entries, the weekly payout will be adjusted as well as the final prize payout.

Resizing requirements - To resize a contest, it will need to be private with between 3 and 20 entrants. Daily Fantasy contests will resize to a minimum of 2 entries, or however many users join. 

To resize a league, it will need to be private with between 3 and 100 entrants. Daily Fantasy leagues will resize to a minimum of 2 entries or however many users join.

Note - Resizable contests or leagues will only be canceled if only one participant enters. That participant will receive an explanation via email.