Set retroactive stats for Private Leagues

Commissioners in Private Rotisserie and Season Points Leagues can set retroactive stats in leagues that draft after the season begins. Once your league drafts, you'll have 14 days to select the date the retro stats will run. If you don't set a date, the league will begin receiving stats on the 15th day with no retroactive stats. 

Select a retroactive date

  1. From Yahoo Fantasy, mouse over Fantasy | select a sport.
  2. Click the Commissioner tab.
  3. Click the Rosters & Scoring tab.
  4. Click Change Retroactive Date.
  5. Select a date.
  6. Click Save.

Keep in mind

  • Retroactive stats are only applied to players in active positions on the date the stats are run.
  • Retroactive stats can be run two days following the current date, or later.
  • You can set a future roster, however, if you add a player via free agency, trade, or waivers prior to retro scoring being run, these changes will be reset.
  • It's not possible to re-run the stats in a league. If a manager doesn't set their lineup before running retro stats, they won't get points for games played before the draft.
  • All teams must have their starting lineup set by 11:59 p.m. PT the night before the retroactive date. This roster will be used as though it was active for the entire season.