Propose, cancel, or respond to a trade in Yahoo Fantasy

Propose a trade to scoop up a player you've had your eye on, or respond to an offer that was sent over to you. Either way, when you're involved in a trade, don't make any roster moves that'll put you over your roster limit if the trade processes or it'll be rejected.

Propose a trade

When you propose a trade, the other team is notified by email and with an alert on their team page. They have up to 10 days to respond.

  1. From Yahoo Fantasy, mouse over Fantasy | select a sport.
  2. Select the league you'd like to create a trade in.
  3. Click the team you want to trade with.
  4. Click the Propose Trade icon Propose trade icon. next to the player you want to acquire.
  5. Select the players you want to trade away.
  6. Click Continue.
  7. Click Send Trade Proposal when you're done.

When you return to your team page, click View Details next to the "You have proposed a trade to..." note for additional info. If accepted, the trade appears as "Pending" on your team page.

  Note - There is a Pending Trade limit that cannot be exceeded. A manager can only have 6 pending trade offers per league.

Cancel a trade proposal

It's only possible to cancel a trade before the person you're trading with accepts the trade.

  1. From Yahoo Fantasy, mouse over Fantasy | select a sport.
  2. Click My Team from your league's homepage.
  3. Beside "You have proposed a trade," click View Details.
  4. Click Cancel Trade.

Respond to a trade proposal


  1. From Yahoo Fantasy, mouse over Fantasy | select a sport.
  2. Click My Team from your league's homepage.
  3. Click the "...has proposed a trade to you" message.
  4. Click Evaluate Trade to determine the fairness of the trade.
  5. Click OK to accept the trade, Reject Trade to decline, or Make Counter Offer to change the players in the trade.

The completed process takes longer than the trade review period and other factors such as trade protests can delay trade processing times.

Trading players from inactive roster slots

Trading a player from an inactive roster position is allowed, but keep in mind that the traded player will be placed in an active position once they are on their new manager's team. The new manager must have enough available roster spots or the trade will be void.