Earned player stats in Fantasy Baseball

Knowing what stats are available to your league, and seeing exactly how they are determined and scored, is important for understanding how you're scoring points in your Fantasy League.


AbbreviationDescriptionCalculation (Composite stats for both individual players and fantasy teams)
1B Singles
2B Doubles
3B Triples
A Assists
AB At Bats
AVGBatting AverageHits / At Bats
BB Walks
CI Catcher Interference
CS Caught Stealing
CYC Hitting for the Cycle
DPTDouble Plays Turned
E Errors
FPCT Fielding Percentage(Putouts + Assists) / (Putouts + Assists + Errors)
GIDP Ground Into Double Play
GP Games Played
H Hits
HBP Hit By Pitch
HR Home Runs
OBP On-base Percentage(Hits + Walks + Hit By Pitch) / (At Bats + Walks + Hit By Pitch + Sacrifice Flys)
OFA Outfield Assists
OPS On-base + Slugging PercentageOn-Base Percentage + Slugging Percentage
PA Plate Appearances
PO Putouts
R Runs Scored
RBI Runs Batted In
SB% Stolen Base PercentageStolen Bases / (Stolen Bases + Caught Stealing)
SB Stolen Bases
SF Sacrifice Flys
SH Sacrifice Hits
SLAMGrand Slam Home Runs
SLG Slugging PercentageTotal Bases / At Bats
TB Total Bases
XBH Extra Base Hits


AbbreviationDescriptionCalculation (Composite stats for both individual players and fantasy teams)
1BASingles Allowed
2BADoubles Allowed
3BATriples Allowed
APP Appearances
BB/9 Walks Per Nine Innings(Walks * 27) / Outs
BB Walks
BK Balks
BSVBlown Saves
CG Complete Games
ER Earned Runs
ERAEarned Run Average(Earned Runs * 9) / Innings Pitched
GIDP Batters Grounded Into Double Plays
GS Games Started
H/9 Hits Per Nine Innings(Hits * 27) / Outs
H Hits
HBP Hit Batters
HLD Holds
HR Home Runs
IBB Intentional Walks
IP Innings Pitched
IRA Inherited Runners Allowed
K/9 Strikeouts per Nine Innings(Strikeouts / Innings Pitched) * 9
K/BB Strikeout to Walk RatioStrikeouts / Walks
K Strikeouts
L Losses
NH No Hitters
NSVNet SavesSaves - Blown Saves
SV+HLDSaves + HoldsSaves + Holds
NSV+HLDNet Saves and Holds(Saves - Blown Saves) + Holds
OBPAOn-base Percentage Against(Hits Allowed + Walks + Hit Batters) / Total Batters
OUT Outs
PC Pitch Count
PGPerfect Games
PICK Pickoffs
QS Quality Starts
RAPP Relief Appearances
RL Relief Losses
RW Relief Wins
SB Stolen Bases Allowed
SHO Shutouts
SV% Save PercentageSaves / Save Opportunities
SV Saves
SVOP Save Opportunities
TB Total Bases AllowedHits + Doubles + (Triples * 2) + (Home Runs * 3)
TBF Total Batters Faced
W Wins
WHIP (Walks + Hits) / Innings Pitched(Walks + Hits) / Innings Pitched
WIN% Winning PercentageWins / (Wins + Losses)
WP Wild Pitches