Use WhatsApp to verify your Yahoo account

Yahoo accounts must be verified using a 6-digit code. You'll get this code at the account recovery option you added when creating your account. You may be able to receive this code using WhatsApp if the phone number you add to your Yahoo account is also used for your WhatsApp account.

Receive a code using WhatsApp

  1. Go to the account sign up page.
  2. Complete the account information fields | select Continue.
  3. Enter your mobile phone number.
  4. Click Get code on WhatsApp.
  5. Open WhatsApp and view the message from Yahoo containing your code.
  6. Return to the account registration page and enter your verification code.
  7. Click Next to complete account registration.

If you don't see a WhatsApp option, or if you don't have a WhatsApp account that uses the phone number you've added to your new Yahoo account, then you'll need to choose another option to receive your verification code.

I requested to get a code on WhatsApp but was told to check my WhatsApp account. Why?

If you see a message to check your WhatsApp account, it means Yahoo can't send a WhatsApp message to the phone number you provided. Here are some things to try.

Enter your phone number again

Typos happen. Try entering your phone number again, and verify it's the correct number and matches the phone number you use for WhatsApp.

Check your WhatsApp account phone number

If you have a registered and active WhatsApp account, make sure the phone number you provided matches the phone number listed in your WhatsApp account profile.

  1. Open Settings in WhatsApp.
  2. Select your profile photo icon or profile name to open your account profile.
  3. Review the phone number listed in your profile.

Do you need to update your WhatsApp account phone number? Find out how.

If you don't have a WhatsApp account, learn how to register one.

Update to the latest app version

Yahoo may not be able to send you a code if you're using an outdated version of WhatsApp. Check for updates at the Apple App Store (iOS), Google Play Store (Android), or Download WhatsApp page (MacOS and Windows) and make sure you have the latest version installed on your device.

Accept the latest Terms and Privacy Policy

WhatsApp may update its Terms and Privacy Policy from time to time. Open WhatsApp on your device to check for these updates, and to review and accept them. Learn more.

I deleted WhatsApp. How do I get it back?

WhatsApp is available on the Apple App Store (iOS), the Google Play Store (Android), or on the Download WhatsApp page (MacOS and Windows).

Get help with your WhatsApp account or questions about the app

Yahoo doesn't provide technical support for WhatsApp. Visit the WhatsApp help center for help with your WhatsApp account or using WhatsApp.